Beyond Fact Checking: How to Read the News Using CML's 5 Core Concepts and Key Questions to the News

No information is perfect.  News never has been -- and never will be -- totally reliable.  That's why learning to read the news through a media literacy lens, using evidence-based media literacy frameworks, provides for the risk management skills that every citizen should bring to news content.  Taking CML's 5 Core Concepts and Key Questions  for media literacy, Dr. Bobbie Eisenstock, professor of journalism and a media literacy researcher/practitioner, has given a practical guide to understanding and critically analyzing the news by using a process of inquiry that  address the bigger media literacy questions while also digging into questions that illuminate specific aspects of news content that are essential to understanding the news media.  
This process encourages habits of mind pertinent to and informed digesting of the news, pertinent regardless of location, language or culture.  Check it out!